I understand how busy life is, and how difficult it can be to unwind the mind and body, especially in times of stress. It even takes several moments after laying down on the massage table to get into the “zen mode” and to optimize the parasympathetic system to activate all the benefits of deep relaxation. So, in order to achieve optimal relaxation during your massage, I wrote this blog. If you have never received a massage, or are a lucky experienced recipient, I hope this helps you and your healing process. After all, something I always say is “relaxation is an art that we all must practice.”
It is our tradition at The Muscle Relaxers to ask you before your session begins to check in with your body and communicate what needs extra attention that day. This is an invitation to go within yourself and deeply feel what is happening in your body. Is something screaming in your body loudly? Is there a small nuisance that you feel could be improved with massage therapy? Being mindful of your needs before the session helps. Then, communicate to your therapist your needs, like conditions and habits that help or aggravate the pain. Let us know about the treatment room environment, such as light, temperature, or the music. We don’t intend to continually converse during your massage session, but communication helps us understand how your body is responding. Some sensations might arise like radiating pain, tingling, numbness or involuntary spasms. Certainly, tell your therapist about pins and needles (paresthesia) or numbness during your session. Again, check in with your body and your breath, and communicate with your therapist if needed.
Breathing deeply and calmly is also key to engaging your parasympathetic system. This is the part of your autonomic nervous system that counters the sympathetic system which is your flight, flight or freeze responses. Once the parasympathetic system is engaged, your muscles and organs will start optimizing the way they operate. Your brain waves will start amplifying into deeper Theta and Delta frequencies, which is where deep healing happens. Regeneration, and rejuvenation ensues. Deep breathing will also give the therapist clues as to how to approach pressure and technique.
Letting go. This might be one of the most difficult things to do. Remember that the monkey mind is active but the place where healing happens is quiet. Try to visualize what that quietude feels like by focusing your attention in your chest, heart, third eye or pituitary. Do any visuals come to you? Feel your body become heavy, and pretend you are dead weight. The subconscious of the client will many times try to assist the therapist by holding up the body’s limbs or head. This goes against what the massage therapist is trying to do, so please release the contracting muscles and go back to being “loosey goosey.” The body’s weight may actually help the therapist with that movement or stroke. Letting go will sometimes release emotions that are locked up in the body. This is totally fine and will be therapeutic on many levels. Trust your therapist, you are in good hands. You are safe here, and we only want the best for you. It’s OK to let go.
This will be a good guide on your practice of relaxation. You can apply these techniques as a morning meditation routine or even sitting in traffic. Oh, and another thing I say all the time is, “relaxation is key to life.” Relaxation creates less stress and fewer problems – both mental, physical, and in your home and life relationships. Don’t forget to schedule your next massage with us and start really applying these skills!
Yours in healing,
– Ofelia
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